Sunday, October 24, 2010

New translations

I am delighted to report that the new translations of 'About Time' into French ('Du Temps') and German ('Uber die Zeit') are proving to be quite popular with over three hundred downloads in a fortnight.

The market for ebooks has been led by the US but the rest of the world is awakening to the great potential of digital publishing.

Maybe a Spanish or even Chinese translation next???

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

German tranlation of 'About Time'

Good news for ereaders in Germany!

'About Time' is now available free to download:

'Uber die Zeit'

Saturday, October 2, 2010


The downloads of my novels continue to grow.

To date this year the number of downloads has exceeded 4,500!!!

The main sites are:

In French!!

My novel About Time has now been epublished in French.

It is called Du Temps and is available for free download from:

Enjoy this Irish novel in French.